F, V

Made with the lower lip and upper front teeth, these sounds are known as Labiodental Sounds.

Typical age of clear speech for these sounds: F 3-4 years old (V frequently slightly later than F).

F and V are also paired sounds. These sounds require a gentle press of the front teeth on the lower lip to say them.

F is voiceless and uses the push of air tp make the sounds.

V is voiced. Try holding a "v" sounds - it should make your lip tickle from the vibration made by your voice.

It's normal to hear some change in the clarity of these sounds when children lose their front teeth. That gap can impact several speech sounds.

At this point in time, we are not planning a F and V book. But, if we get enough requests, we might! Email casskimslp@pacbspeech.org if this is a book you would like to buy.

Additional Resources for learning about and practicing Labiodental Sounds:

These are resources found on the internet for free, that demonstrate or provide information and activities for practicing F, V sounds. Each item listed is a button with a link embedded - so click away and enjoy exploring!

Below are some free printable writing worksheets that also give a lot of chances to practice the F and V sounds!

_Letter F Alphabet Worksheet.pdf
_Letter V Alphabet Worksheet.pdf
Thanksgiving Read Trace Write Practice Worksheet.pdf